ART is a patented soft tissue & movement based technique targeting muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.
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Graston Techniqe works by detecting and breaking down scar tissue and fascial restrictions.
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Extracorporeal Pulse Activated Technology, or EPAT, is cutting edge treatment without the cutting.
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Whether training for a marathon, a casual runner or somewhere in-between, Duke Chiropractic can help you perform at your peak!
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Let Duke Chiropractic help your chronic injuries from “over-use” and get you back in the swing of things! Read More
Our mission is to relieve pain for everyone, but we have extensive experience treating endurance athletes, triathletes, runners, Olympians, and professional golfers and tennis players.
Don’t just take our word for it — see what athletes say about Dr. Duke.
Dr. Duke has extensive sports medicine experience, including official appointments at the US Olympic Training Center, Hawaii Ironman and the New York City Marathon.
Even if you just like to stay fit by going to the gym or attending yoga classes, Dr. Duke can help you get the most out of your activities.
I've worked with Dr. Duke and his team several times. Thanks to them, I always know I'm in good hands before the big races in New York.
— Meb Keflezighi
You don't have to be an Olympic Athlete to be treated like one.